Dental Services

The More You Know

Dr. Chang is passionate about education of all kinds, especially when it relates to the health of our patients. Twice every month, Sweet City Smiles will post blogs about a variety of dental and health education topics. We hope you will find them interesting. Feel free to share, comment and join the conversation!

Posted June 27, 2021 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Why Wisdom Teeth Are Not So Wise

Most people have had some exposure to the concept of wisdom teeth. Perhaps you have had yours removed, are considering a removal, or Dr. Jonathan Chang has just shown you an X-ray with the dreaded third molars creeping into view.  It’s common to hear patients ask how they are removed, but we rarely hear people… (Read More)

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Posted December 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Feeling Worn Down?

As people get older, the body naturally begins the process of breaking down—and unfortunately, that includes our teeth. Worn teeth are somewhat inevitable, but diligent oral hygiene and quality dental care from Dr. Chang can help save as much of your natural teeth as possible. It is extremely common for adults to have tooth wear… (Read More)

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Posted September 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Malocclusion: Sometimes It Bites

Malocclusion is the dental term for misaligned teeth, a common condition affecting about 200,000 people in the United States every year. Many seek cosmetic solutions to feel better about their smiles, but there are also negative health consequences including pain and discomfort that result from improperly aligned teeth.  The most severe cases may require surgical… (Read More)

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Posted June 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Dental Crowns 101

Sometimes in life, you just need a do-over. That’s precisely what dental crowns are—a new start for your tooth. Teeth are important players in your life! They’re not only the first responders for your digestive tract, but they can make a great first impression – so you deserve a beautiful, fully-functioning set. If your teeth… (Read More)

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Posted April 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s…Invisalign®!

If you have a crooked tooth, odd spaces between your teeth or a poor bite, you might be considering all of your orthodontic options. Orthodontics is a specialty in dentistry that realigns your bite and teeth for the best possible look and function. Did you know that our ancestors actually had naturally larger jaws? This… (Read More)

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Posted March 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Dental Implants: A Brief History of Tooth Replacement Innovation

Today’s dental implants boast a long-term success rate of near 97%. Because implants support surrounding teeth, encourage new tissue growth and continued bone formation, and give patients back full chewing ability and a complete smile, they have become the industry standard for tooth replacement. Today, Sweet City Smiles would like to share some interesting history… (Read More)

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Posted February 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Cosmetic Dentistry – A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing

There is a law of nature that states: “function follows form.” This saying means that how something appears determines how it works. For example, you may own many screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes (form) to loosen all different kinds of screws (function). Think of a watering can with a long spout that’s perfect for… (Read More)

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Posted December 27, 2019 / Blog, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Bonding: A Perfect Smile is Always in Style

Whether you’ve never been thrilled with your smile, or it lacks the luster it once had, dental bonding is a multipurpose cosmetic and restorative dental procedure that can be performed on patients of all ages. Bonding has the capability to fill gaps, correct damage, and refurbish the overall structure and look of your teeth. Sweet… (Read More)

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Posted November 27, 2019 / Blog, Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Crowns, Bridges, Dentures & Implants: The Facts

There are lots of ways to deal with missing or damaged teeth. You’ve probably heard one of us at Sweet City Smiles talking about implants, dentures, bridges, and crowns, but have you ever wondered what they are and how they work? Dr. Chang know that folks like to be informed, so think of this as… (Read More)

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Posted August 27, 2019 / Dental Services
Dr. Chang

Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?

We’ve all had a toothache at some point or another. While you should always consult your Sugar Hill dentists, it’s not always a serious problem. Often, the issue can be fixed with a filling or a root canal. However, many people have found themselves in a situation where the tooth is not salvageable, and the… (Read More)

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