Dr. Chang is passionate about education of all kinds, especially when it relates to the health of our patients. Twice every month, Sweet City Smiles will post blogs about a variety of dental and health education topics. We hope you will find them interesting. Feel free to share, comment and join the conversation!
Many people will lose a tooth at some point, but that doesn’t mean your smile needs to suffer. There are numerous ways to fix a lost tooth, but today, Sweet City Smiles would like to educate you about the best option for a healthy smile that will last a lifetime: dental implants. Implants function just like… (Read More)
Continue Reading »Living in a land of antibacterial gels, soaps, plastics, and even fabrics, it might surprise you to hear that tons of bacteria live in your mouth every day, and they aren’t all bad! Some play an important role in keeping up your overall health. Some oral bacteria, however, can cause serious problems and must be… (Read More)
Continue Reading »If you and your child are the proud companions of a pet, there’s a good chance you’ve both thought or said something like: “Fluffy’s living the life. Instead of having to go to school or do chores, they can relax and sleep all day, getting up only to eat or maybe chase a laser if… (Read More)
Continue Reading »The Americans with Disabilities Act defines disability as a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” (Specific examples of major life activities addressed by the ADA include functions such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, and learning.) Disabilities may be congenital (present… (Read More)
Continue Reading »Do you know the status of your occlusion? That’s the technical term used to describe the way your maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth align. If you happen to have a bite that doesn’t connect quite right—or at all—it’s referred to as a malocclusion. You might ask yourself, “Well, I can eat and speak without any… (Read More)
Continue Reading »If your child’s permanent adult teeth haven’t emerged promptly, you may wonder if there is a reason to worry. Sweet City Smiles would like to share a few possible reasons permanent adult teeth can be delayed. Is There Enough Space for the New Teeth to Grow? The most common reason for permanent teeth to appear… (Read More)
Continue Reading »Did you know that unhealthy gums might put your brain at risk? Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia, which harms your memory, ability to think, and can cause changes in your personality. It’s very common and usually affects people aged 60 and over. And, Alzheimer’s might be significantly more likely to happen if your mouth… (Read More)
Continue Reading »Xerostomia is the technical term for dry mouth, the condition that results from absent or reduced saliva flow. It is not a disease on its own, but it may be a side effect of medication or radiation treatments. Xerostomia affects about 20% of the elderly population—not because of their age, but due to the increased… (Read More)
Continue Reading »The smallest smiles in your family are as vulnerable to oral health issues as you are—likely even more so! Your oral hygiene regimen may already be thorough enough to keep your teeth free from cavities and your gums safe from gingivitis, but young ones typically need help brushing and flossing for years before their skills… (Read More)
Continue Reading »Every parent remembers seeing their baby’s first teeth emerge, watching the rest pop up, and finally cheering as their child loses their first baby tooth, all in the blink of an eye! In fact, baby teeth come and go so quickly that some people are led to believe they don’t have an impact on a… (Read More)
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Tuesday | 9:00AM - 5:00PM |
Wednesday | 9:00AM - 5:00PM |
Thursday | 9:00AM - 4:00PM |
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